There are several awards that will be presented at District Conference and nominations are all due on March 1st.  If you have a desire to nominate for any of these awards, the instructions are provided.  If this should be a club nomination and you are willing to lead the charge, please let Micki know.
  • the winner are established by the District Governor each year to weigh the R.I. President's and DG's goals for the year. PDG George E. Mendenhall established this award in 1984 and commissioned George Staneseu, a member of the Littleton Rotary Club, to create the bronze bust of Paul Harris.
This year in recognition of the above listed criteria, each club wishing to compete for this award must submit a top ten list of the club activities that best meets the goals established by RI President Gary Huang and Peter Ewing for the District. The goals may be found outlined in the Gary Huang’s Presidential Citation and Peter Ewing’s list of District Goals found in the packet of information distributed at the Mid-Year Presidents Meeting. If necessary, an eleventh activity may be listed when necessary.
Deadline for nominations MARCH 1, 2015! Please submit to Peter Ewing at: